「Peace and After」と、中華圏で人気を博す香港出身の俳優ウィリアム・チャン(William Chan)氏のアパレルブランド「CANOTWAIT_」とのコラボレーションアイテム。
This item is a collaboration between 'Peace and After' and 'CANOTWAIT_', the apparel brand of Hong Kong actor William Chan, who is popular in Greater China.
An iconic design featuring prints of both brand logos on the chest. The relaxed fit allows for versatility across a wide range of seasons.
Please note that size spec may vary slightly depending on the item.
0 1
着丈 (Body length) 69cm 75cm
身幅 (Chest width) 69cm 75cm
肩幅 (Shoulder width) 68cm 75cm
袖丈 (Sleeve length) 51cm 53cm