「Peace and After」と、中華圏で人気を博す香港出身の俳優ウィリアム・チャン(William Chan)氏のアパレルブランド「CANOTWAIT_」とのコラボレーションアイテム。
This item is a collaboration between 'Peace and After' and 'CANOTWAIT_', the apparel brand of Hong Kong actor William Chan, who is popular in Greater China.
This pop sweatshirt features a pixelated representation of both brands' characters, Parry and Fly Trapper, printed with the brand names.
Please note that size spec may vary slightly depending on the item.
0 1
着丈 (Body length) 69cm 75cm
身幅 (Chest width) 69cm 75cm
肩幅 (Shoulder width) 68cm 75cm
袖丈 (Sleeve length) 51cm 53cm